What Information Do I Need to Correctly Size a Nitrogen Generator?

Use these three critical pieces of information to properly size a nitrogen generator.

There are three (3) critical pieces of information needed to properly size a nitrogen generator:

  • Total volume of all piping that is to be supplied with supervisory nitrogen by the nitrogen generator. This information can be obtained from as-built or installation drawings. In instances where that information is not available, ECS engineers can assist in determining system volumes.
  • Volume of the largest fire sprinkler system that is to be supplied by the nitrogen generator system; this information is used when the compressor for the nitrogen generator system is required to meet the NFPA 13 30-minute fill requirement
  • If there is an existing air compressor, will it be used to meet the NFPA 13 30-minute fill requirement, either on its own or in conjunction with the air compressor that is part of the nitrogen generation system